Friday, July 16, 2010

Havasu Falls – United States

Havasu Falls is paradise on Earth. This is an absolutely amazingly beautiful waterfall located in remote canyon of Arizona. It takes a good deal of effort to get there, but the reward is worth it. If you go to Havasu Falls, you will no doubt think you are somewhere in Hawaii. It is an oasis in arid Arizona.
The Havasu Baaja (the-people-of-the-blue-green-waters) or more commonly the Havasupai, are a native American tribe that has called the Grand Canyon its home for at least the past 800 years. Located primarily in an area known as Cataract Canyo, this Yuman speaking population once laid claim to land reservation the size of Delaware. In 1882, however, the tribe was forced by the federal government to abandon all but 518 area of their land.
The Havasupai witnessed at silver rush and the Santa Fe Railroad in effect destroy what was fertile land. Furthermore,the inception of the Grand Canyon as a National Park in 1919 pushed the Huvasupi to the brink as their land was consistently being unlawfully entered and misused by the National Park service. Over the next century the tribe used the United States judicial system as a means of fighting for restoration of the land which had been unceremoniously taken from them.
In 1975 , after years without progress, the tribe succeeded in regaining 251,000 acres of their ancestors land with the passage of Congressional bill S. 1296.
Besides their battle on Capitol Hill, the Havasupai are well known for the area in which they reside. As a means of surviving and flourishing in the modern economy the tribe has turned its land, which consists of richly colored waters and its awe-inspiring waterfalls, into a bustling tourist hub that attracts thousands of people every year